Sacramento, CA Online Ordination Guide

Officiate Weddings in Sacramento, California

Couple Kissing in Sacramento CA

Many discussions on notable destinations in California tend to overlook Sacramento, but that’s because they fail to recognize the blue-collar resilience and genuine American essence that define this state capital. At American Marriage Ministries, we firmly believe that cities such as Sacramento are remarkable precisely because they embody the aspirations of the working class and offer ideal environments for new families to begin their journey.

From the rustic charm of Old Sacramento to the sleek elegance of modern office parks and vibrant dining spots, Sacramento offers a diverse array of experiences suited to all tastes and financial means. Whether you’re seeking historical immersion or contemporary allure, this city caters to every budget and aspiration.

We share in your enthusiasm for the forthcoming Sacramento wedding, yet it’s imperative to highlight the regulations concerning who can officiate your ceremony and the essential aspects of obtaining wedding licenses.

STEP 1: Get Ordained with American Marriage Ministries

Under California State law, aside from judges and specified government officials, the following individuals are authorized to solemnize marriages:

“A priest, minister, rabbi, or authorized person of any religious denomination who is 18 years of age or older…”

Once ordained with American Marriage Ministries, you gain the status of a minister in good standing within our church. This places you within the category of “priest, minister, rabbi, or authorized person of any religious denomination” under California law. In just a few minutes, you can obtain legal authority to officiate weddings in Sacramento, California (as well as anywhere else in the USA). Click here to get ordained with AMM.

After you’ve been ordained, we suggest purchasing your ordination documents from our store. These official documents may be requested by government officials and serve as a simple method to confirm the legality of the marriage. You can present them to the couple, other wedding professionals, the venue, or even if the Sacramento County Clerk requires proof of your ordained minister status.

Begin Ordination

STEP 2: Prepare For Officiating the Wedding

Getting ordained with AMM is the simple part. Your subsequent responsibility as the wedding officiant is to prepare for officiating the ceremony. As the officiant, there are two primary aspects you need to prepare for:

  1. Non-Legal Duty – Officiating the Wedding Ceremony
  2. Legal Duty – Signing the Marriage License

Non-Legal Duties – Your non-legal responsibilities involve overseeing all ceremonial aspects of the wedding. To compose a wedding ceremony, consider tailoring it to reflect the couple’s values and beliefs. Begin by outlining its structure, integrating meaningful rituals or readings, and crafting heartfelt vows. To prepare for officiating the marriage, familiarize yourself with the ceremony script, practice delivering it confidently and clearly, and ensure you have all necessary materials ready. During the wedding, offer words of encouragement, oversee the exchange of vows, and declare the couple as married with genuine warmth and sincerity.

For comprehensive guidance on these inquiries and beyond, we suggest perusing the officiant training pages available on the American Marriage Ministries website. These resources comprehensively address crucial aspects of officiating marriages, tailored specifically for first-time officiants. Additionally, you can explore these pages for further insights on ceremony preparation:

Remember, practice is key to mastery. The earlier you begin and the more time you dedicate to practice, the more prepared you’ll be when the time comes to officiate the wedding.

Legal Duties – Your legal responsibilities revolve around the marriage license. Your sole legal obligation as the wedding officiant is to sign the marriage license for the couple. It’s as straightforward as it sounds – just complete and sign the necessary paperwork. That’s all there is to it!

Recognizing the significance of ensuring the marriage license is accurately completed, we offer guidance on how to fill out a marriage license. If you find yourself uncertain about certain fields on the license, refer to our page for step-by-step instructions and clarity.

STEP 3: Officiate the Wedding

There’s one more crucial aspect to address here: the handling of the marriage license. While it’s the couple’s duty to acquire and fill out the marriage license from the Sacramento County Clerk’s office, it’s essential to double-check that they’ve completed this task before proceeding with the ceremony.

Once the ceremony concludes and the marriage license is correctly signed, you have fulfilled all your duties as the wedding officiant. In Oakland, the signed marriage license must be submitted to the county clerk or county recorder’s office either in person or by mail within ten (10) days following the ceremony.

Getting Married in Sacramento

To marry in Sacramento, CA, couples must apply for a marriage license ahead of their wedding ceremony. This involves paying a fee and presenting proof of identity. While the process is relatively straightforward, we advise obtaining the license several days before the wedding to allow ample time.

To acquire a marriage license, both partners must visit one of the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder office locations together in person. There, they will need to fill out the application form and provide valid identification.

Acceptable forms of identification that provide both photo and age verification include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Military I.D.
  • Resident Alien Card

The clerk’s office advises couples to schedule an appointment before visiting their offices. Couples can streamline the process by filling out the application form online before their visit to the clerk’s office. This can help save time during their appointment.

Keep in mind that marriage licenses remain valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Therefore, it’s important to plan both the issuance of the license and the wedding date accordingly, ensuring they fall within this 90-day period.

Sacramento Marriage License Info

Marriage LicenseThe responsibility for applying for the California Marriage License lies with the couple. Below, you’ll find essential information regarding the application process for a marriage license in Sacramento County. If you require further clarification on terms such as “Waiting Period,” “Expiration,” and “Return,” feel free to consult the Marriage License Definitions page on the American Marriage Ministries website.


Where do I file for a marriage license in Sacramento?

In Sacramento, couples can file for a marriage license at any of the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder office locations. Sacramento County Clerk Recorder office locations are typically found at:

  1. Main Office: Sacramento County Clerk Recorder 600 8th Street, Room 101 Sacramento, CA 95814
  2. South County Branch: Sacramento County Clerk Recorder 8231 E. Stockton Boulevard Suite B Sacramento, CA 95828

Please note that office addresses and availability may be subject to change, so it’s advisable to verify the locations and operating hours before visiting.

How much does the marriage license cost in Sacramento?

The cost of a marriage license in Sacramento County is $102. However, fees may vary over time, so it’s essential to verify the current fee before applying.

How long must I wait before completing my marriage license in Sacramento?

In Sacramento County, there is typically no waiting period to complete your marriage license once it has been issued. You can usually complete the marriage license paperwork immediately after receiving it. However, it’s advisable to check with the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder office for any specific requirements or procedures related to completing the marriage license.

When does the marriage license expire in Sacramento?

In Sacramento County, a marriage license typically expires 90 days from the date of issuance. It’s crucial to ensure that the marriage ceremony takes place within this timeframe, as the license becomes invalid after the expiration date.

Who returns the marriage license in Sacramento?

In Sacramento County, after the wedding ceremony, it’s the responsibility of the officiant to return the signed marriage license to the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder’s office. This should be done promptly, usually within 10 days following the ceremony.

When must the marriage license be returned after the wedding in Sacramento?

The signed marriage license must be returned to the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder’s office within 10 days after the wedding ceremony.